We’ve been feeling the Spooky Vibes here in the office, so much so that a throwaway comment has escalated to the point I now have a whole blog’s worth of content!
It all started when my lovely colleague Lucinda, who runs our Threads account (aka Thready Kruger), said she was looking forward to using ‘Welcome to Frighton’ now that we are officially in spooky season. I then said would she be mentioning the BOOth Museum and suddenly we had a new favourite game.
If you love Halloween and cheesy puns then this is the post for you, as here is our round-up of Brighton places to visit which we have cunningly renamed for Halloween...
BOOth Museum of UNnatural History
Frighton Palace Fear
Fear Pressure
sHELLter Hall
PUMPKINdling Restaurant
Spookers Paradise
The Green (Goblin) Door Store
Enter (if you dare) Gallery
Peryl BTN Bikes
(Witch's) Black Cat Treasure Hunts
(Six Six) SIXES Social Cricket
(Zom)Bewilder Box
(Gar) Goyal Pavilion
Vampion Visitor Centre
Hove Museum of (Creepy) Creativity
Brighton & Beyond (the grave)
The Hope & Runestones
Burnt (at the stake) Orange
Brighton City SCAREport
Nightmare on HELM Street
As you can tell there is never a dull moment here at VisitBrighton, sorry I mean VisitFrighton, let us know if you think of any others!
Charlotte & Lucinda (aka SCARlotte & BOOcinda)
For more Spooky Vibes check out the Halloween Events in our Autumn Fun blog.
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