Get your thinking caps on and embrace your Puzzle Vibes as we set off on a treasure hunt adventure with Go Quest...

Have you got the words to Pet Shop Boys ‘Go West’ floating through your mind when you read that? Me too. However, Go Quest (‘in the open air….’) is a walking tour with quiz questions that you answer using what you see around the city in order to score points, but with more interesting ways to input your responses. So, Go Quest is the perfect name for this experience. As someone who works for VisitBrighton I have had many tours of the city (Brighton Food Tours, Only in Brighton, Ghost Walk of The Lanes, Regency Routemaster Afternoon Tea bus etc…) but this is my first ‘Interactive, Puzzle-filled Treasure Hunt Self-Guided through your phone.’  Wanna know more? Let’s go……. (quest).

Downloaded the app, got a notebook and pen, gathered my husband and kids and set out on a sunny Saturday afternoon to the starting point – the doughnut statue (called ‘Afloat’) near the Brighton Palace Pier. Great place to begin our little adventure – overlooking the sea and sticking our heads through the hole.

Obviously, I can’t tell you all of the stops in detail or the challenges either, but there are some really cute details that not everyone (even Brighton residents) would know about. It may or may not include a cat at one point. Some involved searching for dates and words, but you don’t just put the word in the answer section of the app – there’s a crossword puzzle element, and numbers that relate to which line of text and letter of the word on the side of a building – just like you would find in an escape room. It’s important that I’m honest about this – it wasn’t quite right for my ten-year-old twins. It may well be great for your children, just not mine. Due to this, we used the ‘pause’ button after an hour so I could come back a few days later and complete the quest without little ones around and whining about wanting bubble tea.

A few days later….

My colleague and I set off. We found ourselves outside of a few pubs (it’s tricky to decide which one is the oldest) and slightly tempted to go in. But you can only use the pause button once in the game, so we continued on. It’s worth noting that the time isn’t very important – it’s mainly in place so if you’re playing in teams, and two teams have the same score – the time would be the decider.

In my mind’s eye I now keep thinking of certain parts and giving you clues like ‘both humans and dolphins are mammals’ and statues are sometimes a little buried in bushes. You can thank me later. You might need to do a little Google if your roman numeral reading skills aren’t as sharp as they once were too. Clearly ours are. I’m just thinking of others. 😉

When we completed Go Quest Brighton we were absolutely buzzing! We did it! Even though we know the city well, it was still a challenge for us because you have to REALLY look closely at everything. There was even a ‘spot the difference’ in one of the murals.

Overall, it was a pleasant way to spend time exploring the city and focusing on things you wouldn’t ordinarily notice. Also, the price point is reasonable considering it’s for five players. I recommend this for groups of people who like puzzle solving, word play, discovering new things and having a sense of achievement. Team building for corporates would be fabulous too. It’s been thought through nicely and it was helpful to have the pause button because it gives you the chance to stop for lunch in one of the wonderful cafe’s, bars or restaurants in The Lanes/North Laine area.


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Go Quest Adventures
Treasure Hunt
Go Quest

Adventure through the streets of Brighton's city centre and unlock a hidden trail by finding clues, solving puzzles & completing challenges, earning points along the way all self-guided through the Go Quest Adventures app.



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