Julia enjoys Sussex Wine Vibes during a visit to Court Garden...

What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than at Court Garden Vineyard in Sussex, just a hop, skip, and a jump from Brighton. We took the train from Brighton to Hassocks then enjoyed a 40 minute stroll across the idyllic Sussex countryside to Ditchling where we stepped into Court Garden, a family scene where rolling vineyards meet a touch of quirky charm. Wine tasting here is an adventure, thanks to Howard, the vineyard’s master storyteller, and his son Hugo, the ex-accountant who traded spreadsheets for grape presses.

We started our journey with ex-farmer Howard, the epitome of old-school cool, who loves to meander through stories before dropping some serious wine wisdom. As we stood among the vines under the glorious Sussex sun, Howard chatted about Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier, explaining how the region’s chalky, clay-rich soil and its mild summers and gentle winters work their magic on the grapes.

Howard's tales quickly turned to the 'weather woes' of being a Sussex vine grower. He regaled us with midnight adventures of weather watching and lighting candles to fend off frost, all before curling up with some retro cocoa. With over 20 years of wine knowledge, his anecdotes of past vintages were both hilarious and enlightening; I am now officially full to the brim with viticulture knowledge.

Indoors we met Hugo, Howard’s son adding a modern twist on winemaking. After swapping his accounting career for the vines, Hugo’s passion for fermentation and pressing shines through. “It’s all about precision and timing," he said beside a gleaming press, diving into the nitty-gritty of yeast strains and sugar levels with the same forensic details he once used for balance sheets.

And then on to the beautiful Sussex barn tasting room, where the wines absolutely stole the show. We were offered four sparkling wines which were nothing short of revelations—crisp, effervescent, and delicious. The Blanc de Blancs stood out with its green apple notes and a hint of brioche (you can tell I took notes!), a perfect example of Sussex’s unique magic.

Howard's poetic musings on the land and Hugo's scientific approach blended seamlessly, much like their wines. Each bottle tells a story of passion and dedication, reflecting both the terroir and the family’s love for winemaking. Our visit to Court Garden Vineyard wasn’t just about savouring great wine. It’s was about experiencing a labour of love. As we left with a bottle (or two!), we weren’t just taking home wine—we were carrying a piece of Sussex’s soul, wrapped in Howard’s charming tales and Hugo’s enthusiastic expertise.

We’ll be going back soon!


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Court Garden
Court Garden

Court Garden is an internationally award winning vineyard just on the northern edge of the village of Ditchling.



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